Prof. Tolga Mete Duman, Professor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Bilkent University, has been awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant. The project period is October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2027.
Prof. Duman will be using the five-year funding provided by the council for his research project named “TRANCIDS: Transmission over Channels with Insertions and Deletions.” The project will take on the grand challenge of addressing the effects of insertions and deletions caused by synchronization errors over various communication channels by developing theoretical limits of transmission and by designing practical channel coding solutions approaching these limits. The project builds upon Dr. Duman’s extensive experience in physical layer communications, information theory, and channel coding/modulation, specifically, his previous work on basic insertion and deletion channels. The findings of the project will highly impact different emerging applications such as DNA storage and beyond 5G wireless communications.
Ph.D. and Postdoc Positions:
We invite applications from prospective postdoctoral researchers and Ph.D. students to take part in this project. The selected candidates will work on determining the ultimate limits of communication for different insertion/deletion channel models including DNA storage channels and developing practical channel coding solutions. Successful candidates must have a strong background in information theory and channel coding. Background on communication theory in general, optimization and deep learning is also desirable.
For postdocs: The initial appointment will be for one or two years, with a possibility of an extension for the entire project duration. The salary is highly competitive and includes full benefits, national public health insurance, and private health insurance for the candidate and his/her family. Fully furnished on-campus housing is also available.
For Ph.D. students: The scholarship amount will be the maximum limit determined by the university and include subsidized on-campus housing as well as private health insurance.
How to apply: Postdoctoral applicants should submit a CV including a complete list of publications, copies of two or three most relevant publications, and names and contact information of three references by email to Prof. Tolga M. Duman at duman@ee.bilkent.edu.tr.
Ph.D. applicants should include a CV and a transcript.